Cartoon charachter waving goodbye to bitly on a sunset

Ad Free, Bitly Free Alternative

In light of Bitly’s recent announcement to introduce advertising on shortened links for free accounts, we’re offering an unprecedented opportunity: our starter plan ($9/month value) is free for 5000 fast-moving Bitly users. If you’re looking for a Bitly alternative, we have a zero-cost solution for you, with QR Codes and an excellent rules engine should you choose to use it. This is not just a link shortener switch—301.Pro is a massive upgrade from Bitly functionality. With this switch, you will get our complete Artist Plan, which includes a powerful rules engine and full support for QR Codes and analytics well beyond just a click counter.

Goodbye Bitly Offer
Coupon Code: BITLY5000

Ready to go? Get started here:

We are excited to announce a special offer to the Bitly community, valid until March 14, 2025, or when all 5000 spots have been claimed:

  • First 5,000 Bitly users: Lifetime FREE ARTIST PLAN ($9/monthly value).
  • Once these spots are gone, they’re gone, and this promotion will end.
  • If we raise or change our prices, you will be kept on the same or equivalent feature plan for $0.00
  • If you want to upgrade the Artist Plan to a Professional Plan or a Business Plan, we will give you $9.00 off the upgraded plan so that the discount will continue. We do offer add-ons, for which this discount WILL NOT apply. The $9/monthly discount will only be applied to the base plan charges as defined on our pricing page.
  • Bitly charges data export, but if you have your Bitly CSV export, we can import up to 20,000 of your most recent links. This means your branded domain Bit Links will continue to work after you update your DNS settings to switch your branded domain to point to 301.Pro.
    • IMPORTANT: We only import branded domain links. Naturally, BIT.LY domain links will not be imported and can not be moved away from the BIT.LY domain. In the past, Bitly offered branded domains, even those on free accounts, so this import may only benefit some users.

Artist Plan Features:

  • Advanced Analytics Dashboard
  • Custom Branded Domain
  • 50 Monthly New ProLinks (BitLink is what we call a ProLink)
  • Continental geographic link routing
  • Time Zone Link Routing

Why Switch Now?

  • Upgrade to 301.Pro: Get our starter plan ($9/month value) completely free. To our knowledge, this includes everything Bitly offers in their free plan + many more features.
  • Keep Links Professional: No ads or interstitial promotional content
  • One-Click Migration: Import your branded domain Bitly links
  • Lock In Forever: Your rate never changes, and your discount will follow if you upgrade to a higher subscription plan.
  • Double Deadline: Offer ends March 14, 2025 @ Midnight Pacific Time, United States, or when 5,000 coupons have been claimed.

How to Claim Your Artist Plan

  1. Create your 301.Pro account here:
  2. On the team selection page, select the Artist Monthly Plan $9/monthly pricing
    • IMPORTANT: The discount WILL NOT be applied against ANNUAL accounts. Please select the $9/monthly plan with a $9/monthly discount.
  3. While no purchase is necessary, a credit card is required for user account validation.
  4. Use coupon code BITLY5000 on the Stripe Checkout page
    • The Stripe checkout page calls this “ADD PROMOTION CODE”
  5. Switch your domain DNS settings, and you will easily migrate away from Bitly into a new world of 301.Pro features.
  6. If you have a Bitly paid account, you can export Bitly links and import them into your new 301.Pro account (up to 20,000 imported links).
  7. Start enjoying enterprise-grade, real-time marketing features.

Don’t settle for ad-supported links or hardcoded features. Upgrade to our Artist Plan today – completely free.

Get Started Here:

This promotion ends March 14, 2025, at midnight Pacific Time, United States, or when 5,000 spots are claimed—whichever comes first.

Do you have questions about 301.Pro? Our migration team is ready at [email protected] to show you everything included in your upgrade. You can also book a meeting with our sales team to discuss your professional link management.

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